Decisions, Decisions Airbrush or Traditional Makeup

So you have decided to get married, now comes the scary part BUDGET… lets face it, it is no joke to organize a wedding on a tight budget. But here you are caught between a rock and a hard place.

You want to look amazing and you want to get the most out of your hair and makeup. So whats the best options out there between Traditional Makeup Application and Airbrush Makeup Application.

Not too long ago I had a bride in my studio that wanted to have airbrush makeup done, when I asked her why she responded with “Because it sounds cool” and this made me think how much do our clients actually know about this medium of Makeup Application.

Once again this is my thoughts on it and I’m sure there will be plenty of Pro’s agreeing or Not agreeing.

Makeup is personal, very personal. I do get asked quite a lot about what my thoughts are on Traditional Makeup vs. Airbrush makeup. So I have decided to give you an artists perspective and feedback who specializes in both techniques.

So first things first, what I would like to state is this. If your artist is skilled and has done training in different techniques of makeup applications over their career span and understands and know their products and its abilities as well as have a good knowledge of skin types and how it reacts to different makeup. One application is in no way Superior or Better than the other technique.

While the following is an excellent explanation of each system of makeup and its results, bear in mind that all makeup is only as good or bad as the artist applying it. Application and skill will always be the more significant factor regarding any makeup service.

As neutral as this article attempts to be, other makeup artists may agree or disagree with it depending on their own personal experience. The actual makeup product does not make or break the look, regardless of what makeup medium is used. It is the artist and their method alone that truly create long-lasting, flawless and impeccable beauty, and therefore should be considered with more care than the product used.

I’ve always believed that a great Artist will be able to create Magic with any product Low end or High end products. I personally feel that Makeup Snobbery (if there is such a word is definitely a thing, and off course the judgement that goes with it.) But thats a subject for another Blog.

Makeup has evolved so much and every day it still keeps changing. Today, we have such a wide range of products at our disposal, the options are limitless. When it comes to events, be it photo shoot, wedding, etc the claims makeup lines can make to prove their product worthy of your hard earned Rand’s can be somewhat contradicting.

What is Airbrush

A small amount of a very thin makeup designed for airbrush use is put into a chamber of a gun. When the machine is turned on and the gun trigger pulled, a light spray of makeup comes out of the gun in a fine mist. The pressure of the machine the “PSI” determent how hard or soft the air blows out of the airbrush gun. Certain areas of the face will need a softer(lower) pressure than other parts of the face.

Water based airbrush liquid is great for oily skins as it has a matte appearance but can tend to be dry and sometimes “crack” or not be durable if applied incorrectly.

Silicone based airbrush liquid is great for dry skin and has a real skin appearance, is long lasting, moves and flexes with your skin. Great for humid weather conditions and very well suited for a more mature skin. This product does take a couple of seconds to dry.

Alcohol based airbrush liquid is generally used to cover tattoos or birthmarks, special effects or body painting.

Your foundation finish with Airbrush makeup can be thin or heavy depending on the application. There is makeup made specifically to be put through the airbrush gun. There is also ways of using your favorite foundation and mix is with an airbrush makeup thinner to make it possible to use it with the airbrush gun, I do not suggest this as it changes the pigmentation, consistency and the integrity of the product and then you might not get the desired final product.

Airbrush makeup has become extremely popular in the past few years in South Africa even though its been around for many years. Some brides tend to confuse Airbrush makeup with the airbrush effect in Photoshop.

Airbrush makeup is non-transferable, meaning that slight rubbing or brushing against something or someone will not cause the makeup to come off of the face. This also is a desirable feature especially when you have a special event and don’t want to worry about your makeup wearing off. But as much as this is a Pro its also a Con for Airbrushing. Should you shed a tear please know this airbrush foundation does streak and can not be fixed with a touch up, even airbrushing over the area will not blend the streak. Once the airbrush is applied, there is no moving it, so please make sure to speak to your makeup artist regarding this. I’ve found that this is more common with the water based airbrush liquid than with the silicone based.

Just like regular makeup, we recommend you blot when you feel this happening, do not wipe.

So just to recap here are the Pro’s and Con’s on Airbrush Makeup

Pro’s – Long Lasting, Camera Ready, Buildable Coverage, Fairly Quick to apply.

Con’s – Not for all Skin types, Some streak when wet, More Expensive, Loose facial dimension when applied incorrectly, Cleaning between changing colors is a bit time consuming, Power outages (hopefully your artist has one that works with a battery as well as with electricity)

Everyone’s skin is different. Their makeup application should be chosen accordingly.

Traditional makeup gives you a lot more freedom to make changes than airbrush. With the right artist, we can give you that airbrush look, without the airbrush. It will last. Regular makeup can last just as long as airbrush if applied correctly. It all depends on your artist and application.

Traditional Makeup

Traditional makeup comes in the widest variety of any other makeup, with every shade available. It’s also the most versatile of all the makeup and can be easily manipulated to change the effect that you want.

This particular makeup is the only makeup that can be applied many different ways, from brush methods used with thicker foundations, to finger tips used for light and well blended applications.

It can be liquid, cream, pressed or even mousse and it may even come in a stick form that you have to twist up. There is a product for each skin type and problem that should arise and so many ways to manipulate to achieve your desired effect.

Nothing but good research and trial error can lead you to the formula that’s right for you. Now a days the younger generations are huge makeup lovers and to eagerly follow Influencers on Instagram, You Tube and Facebook and don’t do much research regarding the products they so love. A huge problem in South Africa is all the fakes being sold and the younger girls and ill informed clients are none the wiser.

This is the one makeup that it totally dependent on the person applying it– even a good, high quality product can look awful if applied in a sloppy fashion. And a low quality, inappropriate formula can sometimes be adjusted with an experienced hand to create the right look.

And although, like its main competitor airbrush, it does rub off slightly or fade a little over the course of the day, it is highly bendable therefore anything can be fixed within seconds. It’s my personal belief, off the record, that this is the most versatile, therefore the best option, for wedding makeup.

However, if you take nothing else from this, understand, the best kind of makeup you can wear is the makeup that is customized to fit YOU.

In reality, that foundation may be great for their skin, but your skin has different properties, different assets, and different problems of its own. A great makeup artist won’t have a set way of doing makeup; she’ll have a variety of styles & methods to choose from so she can create the best look for you and your event.

So What Type Should I Choose? I go back to what I have stated a few times the makeup is only as good as the artist. Not only that, your skin has a huge impact of how your makeup will look. If you are getting married or have a big event coming up, take care of your skin. There is a glow and smoothness that only healthy skin can achieve. No makeup can give that glow. Drink lots of water, eat healthy before and you will see a difference in your skin.

Before you see Your Artist, Always have pictures to show your artist on the makeup you like. Build a Pinterest page on different makeup you like. How you describe what you want may not be how your artist perceives what you want. Pictures are key. Tell your artist about your normal makeup regimen. Do you usually wear makeup? For people that never wear makeup, anything can be a lot. Do you have oily to dry skin? What are your concerns? What is it that you absolutely don’t like, and what do you love? Communication is key.

And for the love of Makeup, after the application is completed and your artist asks you your feedback, please speak up, your makeup artist can not read your mind, if she is a professional she will not take it personally and go and sit in the corner of her room crying. She would much rather want to fix it immediately so that you both can be happy.

With all that said, have fun choosing your Makeup Artist, and your most suited application method and remember that research and communication is key.

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