First blog post

How do I stay Motivated

This is probably one of the most frequent problems I see new artists have as well as one of the most frequently asked questions I get…How do you stay motivated?

Good question, honestly its not always easy its a daily choice you have to make. Especially with the industry being so competitive and the Economy being what it is.

The reality is being a Makeup Artist, is not just applying makeup. When you decide to become a makeup artist you need to understand that you will have to take on the responsibility of being your own Boss, Marketing Manager, PR Manager, Social Media Manager, Financial Manager and Personal Assistant and above all be able to deal with people from all walks of life. You need to know how to communicate on all levels of Professionalism. And this can be very overwhelming and one of the biggest reasons why a lot of new artists give up. Yes Makeup Artistry is very hard work.

This is where a lot of Young artists get it wrong, your clients do not just magically appear the day your receive your qualification. You have to work to get your clients by doing Marketing for your brand every day. When you have the client you have to keep them and make sure that the service you delivered will bring in more business for you by Word of Mouth, which in today’s terms mean Social Media recommendations.

This industry is truly an example of what you put in, is what you get out. If you sit around every day not practicing your craft, not looking for projects to join (and yes I am talking about all those TFCD requests, which by the way is a great way of networking, and building your portfolio) and just watching your favorite Instagram Influencer and dreaming of one day getting that awesome job, let me tell you now its not going to happen.

Set up a weekly/monthly marketing schedule. There are so many great marketing schedules freely available on the Internet that you can draw guidance from. Set a side some time every day to focus on your brand. Read, Read and Read its equily important as Blend, Blend and Blend. Im not talking about reading your favorite Mills & Boons book read other peoples success stories to keep you motivated so that you can see that they to had to struggle to get to where they are today.

I too have my off days, the important thing to remember is not to make every day a off day. Tomorrow you wake up to a new day, with great new opportunities. Try to remember that things like Social Media platforms just show you all the good stuff, all the highlights. It does not show you all the the quote rejections you receive from your clients or the photos received back from clients and you know in your heart that you could have done a better job.

Stop comparing your chapter 1 to another artists Chapter 13, we all have our own path to walk and lessons to be learnt. I showed my first portfolio to my students the other day and the relieve I saw on their faces was priceless. They then understood that this industry takes time, it takes time to perfect your skill (not that I think that its possible) you can only get better with each application, not perfect. It takes time and commitment to get your name out there, I personally only started seeing a steady amount of wedding bookings and photo shoot bookings come in after 3 years of being in the industry. You have to give yourself time.

With all of this being said, Im sure there will be a lot of people that do not agree with me, but that is ok 😉 I know what worked for me and I continuously try to learn how I can keep myself motivated when there are bills to be paid and its a very slow month…

I will keep on doing research, and learning how I can improve my services to my clients not everything that I do will show instant income but I will see it as planting a sead and watching my brand grow.

I hope you too, will have found some new motivation not to give up by reading this. We need passionate people like yourself to stay in the industry to keep it the Wonderful World of Beauty.


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